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Web, Identity

Mithras Technology

Jugendliche mit Mobilgeräten, featured Image für Mithras.

A brand with an impact.

Mithras Technology is an ambitious start-up from Graubünden, Switzerland, which focuses on wearables powered by the heat of the human body. And because innovative ideas need a worthy appearance, we created for Mithras technology a brand that reflects their revolutionary visions of energy harvesting. Just as a large project is always the sum of many small achievements, the new logo consists of individual components that, when put together, point the way to an energy-autonomous future.

Technology for the future.

Where Mithras technology uses a by-product to transform energy supply, we custom-made a website that transports the groundbreaking idea behind it. An elaborate 3-D animation creates a wow-effect just like the products themselves. Clever visualizations, image galleries and a roadmap offer visitors a comprehensive insight into Mithras› work.

Jahr: 2021
Kunde: Mithras Technology

Corporate Identity
UX/UI Design
Motion Design

Broschuere für Mithras Technology.
Visitenkarten für Mithras Technology.
Mockups von Mobile-Screens der Mithras-WEbsite.
Ein cleverer Onepager für Mithras Technology realisiert von YES!
Screenshot der Website des Startups Mithras Technology.